What kind of world is the United States of America living in where a man who works his entire life to build himself up and make something of himself only for his spouse to divorce him and take half of everything he’s earned over his lifetime? There’s no answer to this question. What gave rise to this article today was the situation former Chicago Bulls player Scottie Pippen is currently finding himself in. It has come out that the wife of the Chicago Bulls player's wife (Larsa Pippen) is currently in a relationship with Marcus Jordan the son of his past colleague Michael Jordan.
This is considered by many a sad state of affairs. Outside of dick riding one famous person to the next, we now have a man who is roughly 32 years old with a woman who is knocking on 50 years of age. Take in consideration that Larsa Pippen has just about traveled and seen more than the entire adult life of this young man. If the definition of “monkey branching” had a face, Larsa Pippen’s name would be right next to it. The mere fact that a woman can simply file for divorce and be awarded half of a man's entire savings over a lifetime speaks volumes to what the Divorce Courts think of men in this country and who the Divorce Courts work for in the United States.
With that said, this is why more than 50% of the men in this country are single and childless. That number is expected to continue to rise as long as the Divorce Courts in this country demonstrate their unwillingness to shed themselves of the judicial bias against men, especially when it comes to matters such as divorce and child custody. Furthermore, another thing that is currently fueling the rise in men not seeking the avenue of marriage in America is the fact that the divorce courts allow women too easy of a way out of divorce via “No-Fault Divorces” and in the case of Scottie Pippen “Irreconcilable Differences”.
We’re saying this because No-Fault Divorces allow women to disproportionately take financial advantage of men who in majority of cases have done nothing wrong to warrant a divorce in the first place. It can be said that if there wasn’t any financial incentive for women to file a No-Fault Divorce because of Irreconcilable Differences, then women would be more careful about who they marry and they would be less likely to seek out No-Fault Divorces because they would lose the financial benefits of being married.
Going back to the case of Scottie Pippen, who hasn’t said much of anything about him going through the judicial bias at the hands of Divorce Courts and suffering from the financial abuse by his ex-wife, his situation should further send a clear message to all men in the United States of America – do not get married until the laws in this country change when it comes to divorce.
No one should be allowed to have a No-Fault Divorce because of Irreconcilable Differences then walk away with half of anyone’s earnings. The truth is Lady Justice is a blind bitch to every color but green and allows the hearts of American men to unjustly be weighed against the weight of the wind.