Written by Michael Thervil

Photographer unknown
While many real estate speculators in America are checking on the boxes that appear to send a clear statement to how soon another potential American housing bust may come, there is a box that hasn't made the list, and that box is the sexless men box. What we mean by this is that there seems to be a direct correlation between the amount of sex men in America get which leads to the probability of a woman getting pregnant, to the likelihood of when and in this case if they even decided to purchase a home. As crazy as this sounds, take time out to think about what we are saying here. The more men in America that are able to have sex, the more likely it is that they will get a woman pregnant, seek out marriage and then seek to make a home purchase. Remember the husband and wife with three kids, a white picket fence, and a dog that once made up the “American Dream”? That the one that is one of the surest bets whether or not homes get sold in the United States.
Today, we’re bringing you three variables that are essentially sabotaging the American Dream and thus are starting to spell economic disaster for not only the real estate market but for Americans as a whole. The first of the three variables is men not wanting to deal with women. The notion of Dating and courting has faded into obscurity and it appears that it has been replaced by men avoiding women altogether. The reason for this is because men are increasingly not finding women worth the trouble of talking to anymore. In fact, most men see women more as a hazard to be avoided rather than something to be pursued and taken off the market via marriage.
Long ago, men were accustomed to pursuing women as this was seen as a sign that he really had “feelings” for and really “wanted” her. Now, men who actively pursue women are seen as “Creepers” and “Predators” who end up as the perpetrators of sexual harassment and on the receiving end of lawsuits and overexagerated sexual abuse allegations. This has led to men seeing women as nothing more than walking liabilities with caution tape tied around their foreheads with an Attorney standing on their shoulders and whispering in their ears. So, men being better at decision-making than women have decided to engage in the practice of risk management when it comes to dealing with women not only interpersonally, but in the professional sector as well.
The second variable that is taking a toll on the housing market is marriage being viewed as a financial death trap for men. With women initiating 80% of all divorces in America – it's no wonder why men tend to avoid mentioning the prospect of marriage to a woman at all. Sure, men in America will literally buy a woman via cash or light bill payment, but he will just about never buy her off the market via marriage. The question is why? And the answer is divorce court. Divorce court for men in America is not a place where they can go and get a simple divorce. No. Men see divorce court as a place where they get to be socio-econmically euthanized and their kids taken away from them in some capacity.
So, to avoid the trap of divorce court, men seek not to commit financial suicide by avoiding marriage altogether. The ramifications of this are both unprecedented and incalculable with the housing market taking another hit. The less a man makes, the less he's worth in the eyes of American Women. This has detrimental effects on the psyche of men truth be told with the actions to boot. Men who feel less than, tend to produce less, have lower expectations, and thus tend to stray away from taking on any additional responsibility and liability; and in this case it's buying a home.
Lastly, there is the masculinization of women. When a man makes less, American women tend to perceive him as less than, and how they treat men who they perceive as less than is significantly far from stellar. In fact, they look down on men who fall into this category. This means that a man who is castigated into this category will most likely not get the opportunity to have sex and procreate and that means even less homes are going to get purchased.
Adding insult to injury, when men earn less than women in America, women tend to think they don't need men. Hence, they define themselves not by their ability to help create and properly maintain a family which helps to increases home sales. They instead define themselves by their external accolades. This is a masculine trait. Remember, the only people that should be able to engage in dick measuring are men – this doesn't not include Transexuals for good reason. In other words men measure themselves by what they can afford and a home is one of those measuring sticks. So if a man can't afford a home, he tends to feel that he can't somehow "measure up".
The idea that a woman can do what a man does and still get the same respect for achieving what a man does is nothing more than a preposterous false positive that leaves women ultimately chronically single, old, used, and bitter. Old women lining up to buy homes in America is something we never see. Maybe it's time Americans rethink how intimate relationships play a key role in driving home sales and it's long term effects sexless men have on the housing market.