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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

A Failed State Haiti: Haitian Revolution 2.0

Written by Michael Thervil  

Video courtesy of Al Jazeera


Whether it sounds racist or not, Haiti doesn't need any more white people attempting to position themselves as a “White Savior” when it comes to the internal affairs of Haiti. The reason why so many Haitian people are both feeling and saying this is because for them it seems as if the international community sees Haitian people as “uneducated ghetto youth” that needs to be watched over and policed because they can’t make decisions for themselves. It’s this kind of condescending viewpoint that the international community has when it comes to Haitian people that has the first Black independent country in the western hemisphere in its present state of turmoil.  

Photo by Odelyn Joseph/AP

Make no mistake about it, Haiti as a country is a failed state. But the reason why it's a failed state is a complex one that can be compared to a nine headed Hydra. The heads of this nine headed Hydra consist of the following:


  • The Collective West  

  • The United Nations  

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF)  

  • American & European Industries  

  • Internal Political Corruption  

  • Decrepit Infrastructure In Haiti

  • Low To No Economic Opportunities & Growth & Development  

  • International Exploitation of the People & Their Natural Resources

  • The Use of Haiti as a Narcotic Trans-shipment Location & The Illegal Flow Weapons  


It is this nine headed proverbial hydra that has held Haiti hostage for decades, and it wouldn’t be until now that the people of Haiti have had enough and have gained the confidence to physically do something about it. The mainstream media has referred to the Activists that are participating in this coup d'état as "gang members". But what the corporate news media have failed to convey is which or what the names are of the gangs that the activists are in. Again, this is nothing more than corporate news media outlets attempting to misappropriately label Haitian Activist as something negative; in this case “gang members” rather than the Activist that they are.  

Jimmy Chérizier (Barbeque) Photo by Odelyn Joseph/AP

When a country has an unelected and installed President that has openly demonstrated through his own actions and allows corruption to go unchecked on all political levels; what else can the people of Haiti do? Providing credence to this question, there's ex-police officer Jimmy Chérizier also known as “Barbeque” was an Officer that tried his best to clean up the streets of Haiti. However, he was railroaded by his superiors and the Haitian Government. Jimmy Chérizier was one of the few that had the courage to shed light on how both law-enforcement top brass and political figures not only protected the very criminals he sought to arrest and get off the streets of Haiti, but they also expressed to him which criminals that he could arrest and which ones he couldn’t. It's institutionalized corruption like this that led Jimmy Chérizier down the path that he’s currently on.  


Understanding that he as a single Police Officer who often times found that his hands were tied, he then made the strategic move to unify Haitian gangs and turn them from simple gang members running around Port-au-Prince (Capital of Haiti) into a unified/federation of allies called the "Revolutionary Forces of the G9 Family and Allies". In doing so, the people of Haiti now have a group of armed Activist that can act on their behalf. This in a sense can be considered the Haitian Revolution 2.0 - and that's a great thing for Haiti. The people of Haiti know what they want and who they want; and they want to thrive as a people like any other country. The people of Haiti don't want another unelected western backed and installed President like Ariel Henry who's interest is to sever the Collective West. The want to formally elect someone who stands for the people of Haiti.

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