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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

American People & Geopolitical Ignorance

The one thing that people around the United States have a hard time coming to terms with is that there always going to be winners and losers; compromises and failed attempts at achieving geopolitical peace and stabilities between countries. The war in Ukraine is of no exception. Beyond the obvious Cold War Mentality that has obviously exasperated the war in Ukraine - it is the Americans broad ignorance regarding the geopolitical forces that not only make the world turn but are currently manifesting themselves in Ukraine.

People in America are blindly placing support for Ukraine signs in store windows and believe the propaganda that Washington is putting out as if Ukraine is innocent and the actions that Russia is taking on them are unjustified. Americans believe this blindly and wholeheartedly without conducting any real research. Blind belief what fueled the “Islamophobia” in America during the 9/11 war.

How quickly the American public forgot that Ukraine gave the Nazi’s sanctuary in their country during World War 2. It is this same far right Nazi’s rhetoric in which Russia who defeated the Nazi’s during the Battle of Stalingrad in World War 2 is currently fighting in Ukraine because Neo-Nazism have infiltrated not only the Ukrainian military but the Ukrainian government. Most Americans have never heard of the Minsk Agreements 1 or 2 and could careless, because the only thing that they see is the bloodshed that is happening with this Hot War. Often times the American propensity to exert compassion is their weakness when it comes to dealing with reality more specifically the realities of war.

In the minds of many Americans, there is no justification for Russia's Special Military Operation; this is because of the strategic wording of the mainstream media of the United States. Inflammatory notions such as:

“Russia War of Aggression”


“Russia's War on Ukraine”

As if Russia simply haphazardly decided to insert itself into Ukraine. But most of the people in America have no concept of people having to defend their boarders outside of the United States. Could it be American Exceptionalism that allows this luxurious thinking amongst the American People? Maybe. Or could it be that the American People as a collective are simply too stupid to mentally digest any elements in the geopolitical arena in general? Again, maybe? If that's true, then that's where it becomes taxing on the American Public; why? Because like children they act on their emotions and not on the facts of the matter – and thus it tends to always cost them economically in the end.

But one thing is clear and that is Ukraine is not innocent as it is most definitely one of the most corrupted nations in the world and has been for a very long time. Adding insult to injury, American President Joe Bidens notions of helping Ukraine “no matter how long it takes” does nothing to help - in fact it begs the question: is he willing to help Ukraine no matter what irrespective to the needs of the American People?

Considering that America has trains derailing off their tracks spilling hazardous material in the face of the general public, dwindling oil reserves, “Shrinkflation”, disenfranchisement of people of African descent, an ungodly number of homeless military veterans, a shameful amount of prescription drug addicts, failed boarder security and policies, an every widening gap between the rich and the poor, a broken healthcare system, a failing infrastructure and a public school system that produces some of the most dumbest kids in the world.

The old saying clean your house before you attempt to clean the house of others applies.

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