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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

CIA Blowback | Video To Recruit Russian People As Spies.

Updated: May 17, 2023

Video posted by CNN.

There is a video floating around on the “Dark Web” that is seeking to cause disruption within Russia by appealing to Russian People who are dissatisfied with the Russian Government and the War in Ukraine. It was first seen by many people on the messaging service called Telegram. But the question is, did the CIA think about the potential blowback of such a move? Apparently not.  See for any action there’s an opposite but equal reaction. Think about it.


What if the Russian Government engaged in a campaign that appealed to the masses of people that are dissatisfied with the American Government and the fake war they launched in Iraq and Afghanistan when they said Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction which led to his death, and it later turned out that he didn’t, even though the U.S. Government was warned about those false allegation prior to the war. What if Russia decided to actively cater to the frustrations of Black Americans who are the permanent underclass of society for all the 400-500 years of racism and deaths that occurred within that population of people? What if Russia appealed to the marginalized and dissatisfied military servicemen of the United States?


These are things to consider when agencies like the CIA engage in these kinds of disruptive campaigns. It should also be noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI also attempted to recruit people who they deem are alleged Russian Spies in the Washington DC area as well. Again, think about how much it would take to “flip” a poor and disenfranchised citizen of the United States to become a Russian Informant? Our guess is probably less than $100,000 dollars or a guarantee to pay off their student loans.


It was cited by CNN that during the commercial ad created by the CIA to “flip” Russians that felt “powerless” that they could contact the CIA in a “safe way” through a dark web browser called “Tor”.  One CNN source by the name of Erin Burnett quoting the CIA Director of Operations David Marlowe wanted Russians who were “fed-up” with the Russian Government to know that the CIA is:


“Spreading the word far and wide that the U.S. Counterintelligence is open for business, and we have deep pockets. If you want to strike back against this man you hate – Vladmir Putin you have an opportunity to do it now safely.”


It was also reported that former CIA head of Counter-Intelligence James Olson stated:


“There are a lot of disaffected Russian’s out there now. They are ashamed and disgusted by [what] Putin is doing to their brother and sister Slavs in Ukraine. He’s destroying Russia. He’s killing Russian boys and there are good people in Russia, including Intelligence Officers, who want to strike back.”


Well, there’s even more disaffected Americans out there now. Many of which who are innocent of the crimes they have been charged with and are currently serving jail or prison time because they couldn’t afford an Attorney or who have been coerced into taking bogus plea deals. There are many Americans, especially minorities that are so underemployed that they can barely afford rent even though they are working two and three jobs. There are just as many people that are ashamed and disgusted with the American Government when unarmed people - especially Black American Boys and Men who are more likely than any other group of people to shot down in the streets by Law-Enforcement.


But who cares as American Black Boys and Men make up less than 10% of the U.S. Population. There are American Military Personnel who are ashamed and disgusted that they don’t make enough money to afford food and must get on Food Stamps and or rely on engaging in prostitution just to feed their families. We have Military Veterans who can’t stay off the opioids because they are effectively rendered drug addicts when the U.S. Government recklessly hooks them on drugs through the VA Medical Doctors. The youngest people in the military die first when the U.S. Government starts fake wars against other poor people around the world. But there are good people in America, including intelligence officers who actually do what to strike back, but they can’t. 

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